The Stories I Tell ~ from The Word Cellar

Stories. Anecdotes. A free round of words for everyone!

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Location: Pennsylvania, United States

I love stories. I'm the one at social functions with a dozen new anecdotes. But I worry about hogging the conversation. Sometimes I tell myself that I'll be quiet and let others do the talking. But no matter how hard I try, my stories insist on bursting out! Here I can let my stories (the classics that I tell again and again, as well as new ones that unfold along the way) run free. I'm a professional writer and editor, and sole proprietor of The Word Cellar. I write for a variety of publications and clients on everything from green buildings and nuclear reactors to entrepreneurship and the arts. If you need words written, edited, or enlivened, I can help. Contact me.


I'm Leavin' on a Jet Plane

BlogHer '07 Banner

I leave for BlogHer tomorrow. I'm excited about this gathering of other smart, sassy women writers. There will be all sorts of interesting people to meet and panels to attend, covering things like: following your passion, self-branding and promotion, politics, crafts, sex, web design, making money, techie tools, storytelling, photography, racial tolerance, artificial intelligence, and food. Where else can you hear Elizabeth Edwards give a keynote address about social media and listen to Amy Sedaris' take on Craftblogging in the same weekend?

My plane leaves in 18 hours. Am I ready to go?

Let's see:

  • Cell phone charging -- check!
  • Camera charging -- check!
  • iPod charging -- check!
  • Packed -- not yet
  • Business Cards ready -- not yet
  • Out of office reply turned on -- not yet
  • House cleaned up so I don't return to a disaster zone on Sunday -- not yet

Hmmm... There seem to be too many things in the "not yet" category. I'd best get to work!

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add to kirtsy | 5:22 PM


Blogger Unknown said...

oh you are your mother's child. lists! ha! dont worry sis, i make them too! packing with 18 hrs to go, thats nothing! i have packed an hour before i left for the airport many times. easy. relax. also i noticed a topic of guessing you are talking gender and not intercourse. either way enjoy.

also in the above blog you talk about the sea...same thing as the ocean? i like the ocean better. the sea reminds me of something you look at from a rocky cliff where as an ocean you can play in. you know i would pick play over looking. :-)

7/25/2007 6:44 PM  
Blogger Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

yes, i meant sex as in intercourse. there may well be talk of gender as well, but i don't think it's on the official agenda.

and yes, i mean ocean when i say sea. they're the same to me. but i do love sea-gazing from rocky cliffs. being in the ocean? not so much these days.

7/26/2007 1:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oh Jennifer, what kind of place is this you are going to! Talk of such things as sex? What is next? Want to vote too I assume. Gathering around and talking about topics the bible clearly forbids! Official agenda? I am thinking this agenda might be a bit too edgy for my taste. Perhaps this agenda might include such words as comrade? I wonder...

Now please do note that all this is being said for fun and in no way do I condone women voting at all. We all know that their little minds can not handle such complex tasks. I urge you to all go back to the kitchen. Bare foot and naked, what more could you ask for? Men are taken care of and women provide a use.

Ok but for real though, I do hope everyone found the real humor in everything I just wrote. I do not think that way at all. It is all a bit of fun. I encourage and applaud my sister (as in family member, not sisterhood cause I just had some surgery and feel all womenly). I do laugh at the fact that the one of the topics will be sex. Oh it is a good thing to talk about. Nothing wrong with it. I can just see many funny conversations that could arise (I did just get done watching Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back for the millionth time). Plus throw my sister in the mix...that is a thought I really do not want to think about. Sort of like some foods, better not knowing what is in it. So the bottom line...there is none. Ejoy...not enjoy, ejoy.

7/26/2007 12:00 PM  
Blogger Pink Shoes said...

Did you find shoes to wear??

7/27/2007 3:17 PM  

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