The Stories I Tell ~ from The Word Cellar

Stories. Anecdotes. A free round of words for everyone!

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Location: Pennsylvania, United States

I love stories. I'm the one at social functions with a dozen new anecdotes. But I worry about hogging the conversation. Sometimes I tell myself that I'll be quiet and let others do the talking. But no matter how hard I try, my stories insist on bursting out! Here I can let my stories (the classics that I tell again and again, as well as new ones that unfold along the way) run free. I'm a professional writer and editor, and sole proprietor of The Word Cellar. I write for a variety of publications and clients on everything from green buildings and nuclear reactors to entrepreneurship and the arts. If you need words written, edited, or enlivened, I can help. Contact me.


Sunday Scribblings: What's Your Sign?

Pick-up lines guys have actually used on me:

"My name is Charles, but you can call me tonight."

"Hey -- wanna f**k?"

Oh, and if you must know, I'm a Sagittarius. Unless you subscribe to Sidereal astrology, in which case I'm a Scorpio. And a Wood Rabbit if you follow the Chinese zodiac.

What did other Sunday Scribblers say about their signs? Find out.

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add to kirtsy | 1:29 AM


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