The Stories I Tell ~ from The Word Cellar

Stories. Anecdotes. A free round of words for everyone!

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Location: Pennsylvania, United States

I love stories. I'm the one at social functions with a dozen new anecdotes. But I worry about hogging the conversation. Sometimes I tell myself that I'll be quiet and let others do the talking. But no matter how hard I try, my stories insist on bursting out! Here I can let my stories (the classics that I tell again and again, as well as new ones that unfold along the way) run free. I'm a professional writer and editor, and sole proprietor of The Word Cellar. I write for a variety of publications and clients on everything from green buildings and nuclear reactors to entrepreneurship and the arts. If you need words written, edited, or enlivened, I can help. Contact me.


The Lost Boys

While trolling through the mall for fashionable-yet-comfortable shoes today, I encountered two odd children, both funny little boys between the ages of 9 and 11. I would have taken photos of them, but that might have made me seem odd -- and creepy.

The older one was skinny, had a buzz cut, and wore big glasses. His bright pink shirt had black block letters across the front that read: Chicks dig pink. Like this one:

You can see a better picture of it here.

I also found this heat transfer graphic online when I searched for "chicks dig pink." Pink. Punk. Really, what's the difference? Buy it here.

I saw the second kid in Sears, spritzing himself with a sample bottle of With Love, Hilary Duff's perfume. And then I saw him trailing behind his mom, doing a weird little dance to the piped-in muzak. I hope that kid's free spirit inspires him to great creativity (and doesn't get him beat up too often).

Postscript: I was mostly unsuccessful in my shoe search. Please read this post and help me out! I need all the suggestions I can get!


add to kirtsy | 5:04 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Hilary Duff perfume actually inspired him to dance? Maybe the FDA needs to look into that "perfume".

7/13/2007 7:18 PM  
Blogger molly marigold said...

Hi. The fairy tale forest is in Ringwood NJ. It is kind of falling apart but still fun to walk around. I wish I could have seen it in it's heyday.

7/16/2007 3:47 AM  

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